Online registration is now closed in preparation for the event. On-site registration will be available beginning at 8:30 a.m. Friday.
It's been a big year for Middle Tennessee. From national recognition as the best city for job growth to our ranking as one of the most business-friendly cities in the U.S., it’s clear we have created an environment for business to prosper, and it’s being noticed.
The Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors invites you to the 2013 Annual Meeting, commemorating the accomplishments of the past year and the opportunities of the year to come.
This year’s Annual Meeting keynote speaker is Richard Florida, Professor, University of Toronto and NYC; Senior Editor, The Atlantic. Florida is a nationally known author and speaker who developed the concept of the "creative class," a theory that high concentrations of musicians, artists and other creative occupations fuel greater economic growth in metropolitan regions. Florida’s keynote presentation will focus on Nashville's ability to capitalize on both cultural and regional assets for continued prosperity.
In his research, Florida has long used Nashville as a case study. Writing in The Atlantic, Florida dubbed Nashville the "Silicon Valley of the music business," and acknowledged our region’s opportunity to leverage our cultural resources as a strategy for economic development.
Business is good in Middle Tennessee, and you're invited to celebrate our regional successes. Please plan to join us as we share our good news, including economic highlights of the 2012-2013 fiscal year and recognition of our "Spirit of the Chamber" award recipients.
2012-2013 Award Recipients:
Spirit of the Chamber
- Paula Lovell, Lovell Communications
- Ron Corbin, RBBC Holdings
- LeShane Greenhill, Sagents Partners, LLC
- Jeff Cogen, Nashville Predators
- Ashley Segroves, Ashley Segroves and Companies
Prosperity Partner
- Bert Mathews, The Mathews Company
Spirit of the Region
8:30 a.m. Registration and networking
9-10:30 a.m. Program
Chamber members and P2020 investors - complimentary
Future Chamber members - $35
For more information on how Chamber membership is an effective strategy for your business, click here.
Online: click "Register Now" in the right column under Quick Links.
By fax or mail: complete the Registration Form and send by fax or mail.
- Deadline to preregister is Friday, September 13.
- We will accept name changes up until 24 hours prior to the event. After that time, we are happy to do so on-site on event day.
- No confirmation is sent prior to the event.
- We are unable to accept reservations by phone or e-mail.