About the Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (NAHCC): The Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (NAHCC) is the oldest, longest running Hispanic business association in Tennessee, promoting the economic growth and development of Hispanic entrepreneurs. With a membership of more than 400 businesses, the NAHCC represents their interests in Nashville and surrounding areas connecting entrepreneurs and micro-enterprises, facilitating strategic alliances, networking and sharing of business and financial best practices. The NAHCC is one of the first Hispanic chambers in the nation to receive the CTI Minority Chamber Certification Designation issued by the University of Notre Dame and co-signed by the USHCC, USBC, USPAACC. The CTI Certification highlights the achievements made by the chamber. The NAHCC is a recipient of the "Chamber of the Year Award" presented by the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. For more information please visit: www.nashvillehispanicchamber.com
Member Since: 2001